Golden-Gate - Troubleshoot:
How can we report on long running transactions?
The WARNLONGTRANS parameter can be specified with a threshold time that a transaction can be open before Extract writes a warning message to the ggs error log.
What command can be used to view the checkpoint information for the extract process?
Use the following command to view the extract checkpoint information:
GGSCI> info extract, showch
GGSCI> info extract ext_fin, showch
How is the RESTARTCOLLISION parameter different from HANDLECOLLISIONS?
The RESTARTCOLLISION parameter is used to skip ONE transaction only in as situation when the GG process crashed and performed an operation (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) in the database but could not checkpoint the process information to the checkpoint file/table.On recovery it will skip the transaction and AUTOMATICALLY continue to the next operation in the trail file.
When using HANDLECOLLISIONS GG will continue to overwritten and process transactions until the parameter is removed from the parameter files and the processes restarted.
How do you view the data which has been extracted from the redo logs?
The logdump utility is used to open the trail files and look at the actual records that have been extracted from the redo or the archive log files.
What does the RMAN=08147 warning signify when your environment has a GG capture processes configured?
This occurs when the V$ARCHIVED_LOG.NEXT_CHANGE# is greater than the SCN required by the GG capture process and RMAN is trying to delete the archived logs. The RMAN-08147 error is raised when RMAN tries to delete these files.
When the database is open it uses the DBA_CAPTURE values to determine the log files required for mining. However if the database is in the mount state the V$ARCHIVED_LOG.NEXT_CHANGE# value is used.
See metaling note: 1581365.1
How would you look at a trail file using logdump, if the trail file is Encrypted?
You must use the DECRYPT option before viewing data in the trail data.
List few useful logdump commands to view and search data stored in OGG trail files.
Below are few logdump commands used on a daily basis for displaying or analysing data stored in a trail file.
$ ./logdump – to connect to the logdump prompt
logdump> open /u01/app/oracle/dirdat/et000001 – to open a trail file in logdump
logdump> fileheader on – to view the trail file header
logdump> ghdr on – to view the record header with data
logdump> detail on – to view column information
logdump> detail data – to display HEX and ASCII data values to the column list
logdump> reclen 200 – to control how much record data is displayed
logdump> pos 0 – To go to the first record
logdump> next (or simply n) – to move from one record to another in sequence
logdump> count – counting records in a trail
logdump> fileheader on – to view the trail file header
logdump> ghdr on – to view the record header with data
logdump> detail on – to view column information
logdump> detail data – to display HEX and ASCII data values to the column list
logdump> reclen 200 – to control how much record data is displayed
logdump> pos 0 – To go to the first record
logdump> next (or simply n) – to move from one record to another in sequence
logdump> count – counting records in a trail
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